PDF to Flipbook Converter ➤ Simplifies your work and saves you time

PDF to Flipbook Converter ➤ Simplifies your work and saves you time

I have been building websites since 2001 and the one constant that I can always count on is the fact that once I learn the latest coding language and formats–everything will suddenly change. I then need to start learning the next new thing in Web development from scratch. It never fails. Recently I was contacted by a pro bono client who had become dissatisfied with his website. At the time I designed it the platform I used was killer! It was top of the line, slick and glossy, jaw-dropping spectacular. I put everything into that Landing Page except the kitchen sink–and that was on page two. After revisiting that website with a critical eye I could see where my client was coming from. In its day it was ground-breaking but as technology moved forward with tablets, smartphones, and internet television, I was embarrassingly left in the dust.

Not Your Father’s PDF to Flipbook Converter

In my defense, I could say I was ahead of my time back in 2008 when I first discovered page-flipping effect flipbooks. I was playing with the idea of putting together a children’s graphic novel. I remember being very disappointed at the options that were available to me at that time.

With some research, I came across a piece of software that generated an animated book that you could but on a disc or a flash drive. But I wanted to present it on a web page and the resulting digital PDF flash flipbook was just too small to make it engaging. Try holding a 6-year-old’s attention for any length of time with a 480 x 320-pixel graphic!

In my quest for a dynamic layout for my client, I discovered websites promoting the new PDF to digital Flipbook converter technology. I’ve found that converting PDF documents to a dynamic digital PDF flipbook is easy, taking an average of about 10 minutes, and it’s available for free.

With large SmartPhone screens and even larger tablets replacing desktop computers in many homes around the world, digital technology has taken yet another giant leap forward. Media that was once bound (literally) to the confines of paper and ink, can now be projected onto every personal digital device available. Thanks to the new free PDF to Flipbook converters, everyone can take their files, photos, videos, music, and text and create a beautiful work of art.

There’s A Flipbook with Your Name On It
Unlike a few years ago when I was searching for a dynamic presentation vehicle for my children’s book idea, free PDF files to Flipbook converters are plentiful now and each producer offers a distinctive caveat or two that distinguishes their product from that of the competition.

Almost every converter site I visited had a basic FREE flipbook software edition of their product available. For an individual or non-profit organization, this may suffice. Often this includes unlimited publications with unlimited pages but requires the hosting of ads.

Then I found a few that offered a free trial period. After the trial ended you would have to choose from three to four options for your ebook publication. The plan prices varied from around $10 a month to several hundred, depending on the features you required.

It’s Fast-It’s Easy

Converting a PDF file document into a flipping book is as easy as clicking on the document in File Explorer (PC) and uploading it to the converter site. Next, choose a size option and then a few cosmetic options, and–BINGO–it’s done. Preview it online and when you’re loving it, copy the embed code and place it into your website or newsletter’s HTML or insert it into a CMS module (like Joomla or Concrete). A couple of the converter sites even offer a stand-alone reader with their free software edition so you can distribute your digital magazine or eBook on portable media such as thumb drives and CDs.

Of course, the dazzle gets brighter as you move up the feature ladder. Modest plans for individuals and small businesses, which include ad-free presentations, Google Analytics, and unlimited flip magazines and unlimited pages can be had for as little as $9-$36 a month and are billed annually.

Full-blown power features for the big-name magazines with large production teams and their resulting schedules go for upwards of $260-$339 a month. These include everything and the kitchen sink, including a WEBKiosk for all of your flip magazines (YUMPU Publishing), unlimited API calls, privacy settings, and customizable stand-alone readers (issuu.com).

As an example, both issuu.com and YUMPU Publishing offer an unlimited amount of magazines with unlimited pages and no advertisements for your digital publishing. YUMPU Publishing delivers it for $10 and a 30 free trial. issuu.com provides it for $26 and a 14-day free trial but sweetens the pot with the stand-alone reader and an option to remove related magazines from being listed alongside your publication. The features and costs go up from there. So no matter what your need there is a free PDF to Flipbook converter to make it happen.

Experience the Future of Web Presentation

If you have not yet viewed the free PDF to Flipbook conversion tools on the web I urge you to do so. The possibilities of this format will blow your mind. From newsletters to photo albums to video blogs, the conceivable applications are unlimited. Learn how to make a flipbook!

And it may well replace the current menu-driven websites we are all so familiar with today. It seems feasible that one day even Walmarts and Macy’s will present their online shopping website in the digital PDF flipbook format. I’m confident that time will bear me out on this.

Remember, you heard it here first.

Where to view PDF to Flipbook Conversion Products

  • issuu.com

  • yumpu.com

  • flipbuilder.de (German)

  • flipsnack.com

  • joomag.com

  • flipviewer.com (software)

  • epagecreator.net

About the author

Matthew L. HarrisonHey, my name is Matthew L. Harrison. I am a passionate online publisher and author. On Flipbook.org, I offer help to anyone who is interested in publishing their content online. I have many general informations about Flipbooks and I compare different services, so you can find out which is best for you.