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Flipbook Software ➤ Create amazing web publications!

Flipbook Software ➤ Create amazing web publications!

As a writer, conveying my work in a presentable way is important for achieving career growth. I know that I am not alone. Content presentation is critical for all professionals requiring information to be published in both long and short formats. However, I have always struggled to present my work in a way that is both professional and accessible for users. PDF files offer some degree of professionalism, but many readers perceive the logistics of using them as somewhat challenging. Likewise, I feel as though simple PDFs are a thing of the past. Something more like a free PDF Flipbook software or PDF to Flipbook converter would be ideal. I endeavored, therefore, to identify a more professional way of presenting professional content online.

Initial Flipbook Requirements

Like most people in the modern world, I spend more than a thousand hours each year creating and digesting content over the Internet. I use a wide variety of devices including my desktop, laptop, smartphone, and tablet. Moreover, I usually find content by downloading it from the Internet, and I prefer to store it for easy access. Large books and reports can be larger than 100 megabytes in many instances, so I personally believe that creating and store content is important both for saving bandwidth and achieving simple access. Therefore, I needed to find something that would allow me to store my files I did create while working across several devices.

Cloud storage

In today’s digital publishing age, however, local storage is not the only way to keep files for later. I create extensive use of cloud storage services, including iCloud and Dropbox. While local storage is a nice convenience, I do not necessarily think that it is critical in many instances. For example, when storing a file only for future reference, keeping it in the cloud usually makes sense.

Files stored in the cloud can be accessed from any device, and they download quickly when they are needed. I remember the days where cloud storage consisted of keeping files on a server at home, and this invariably led to problems associated with not having the remote system turned on. With modern cloud storage, however, files can be accessed from anywhere at any time. I firmly believe that this is critically important.

Another essential criterion in my search was identifying a provider that would allow me to publish my content i did create for the viewing of others. I often use my Amazon web server for publishing PDF files online, but I always felt as though this was somewhat unprofessional. Potential readers want to confirm who the publisher is before investing the bandwidth in downloading a massive file.

Why does this matter?

Furthermore, other content publishers often want to cite a publication, and they might decide not to do this if they cannot find somewhere reputable where the file is hosted. Therefore, I wanted both publishers and readers to be able to recognize the website they were downloading my file from as being a dedicated publisher.

The final criteria that I used in my search for digital publishing software were that the software needed a suite of features for final touches and managing content. I push out dozens of publications each year, so I often struggle to keep track of them all. Instead of investing a morning each month to confirm that all of my flipbook publications are still online, I would prefer to simply use a flipbook platform that lists all of my work in one place.

I was also looking for the ability to keep content organized in folders. The ability to search would also be a big plus for me. Most importantly, these features need to help my readers find what they are looking for through search functionality. For these reasons, the actual flipbook features offered by the platform were of critical importance to me in my search.

I have to reiterate how important I thought it is for the prospective platform to be simple. If I have to spend hours learning how to use a software package’s tools, there is simply no reason for me to use it. Instead, I could pay the heavy price for a premium service. In fact, I could probably even hire a programmer to build my own platform for the amount of time many software packages require just to get started. So I wanted my PDF flipbook software to be easy both for myself and my readers. Of course, I also did not want to compromise quality, so finding the right balance between affordability, performance, and simplicity represented a big challenge.

My Search for a digital flipbook software – Answers

When I first launched my search, I started by considering how the solutions I was familiar with could potentially solve my problems. I quickly set aside Adobe’s PDF reader due to its slow interface and poor cross-platform compatibility. I also considered Chrome’s built-in features.

Although this browser is packed with a range of features that have been expanding in recent years, the reality is that Chrome is still only used by roughly half of the desktop users. For individuals with a tablet or smartphone, they tend to use the browser included with their device. Quickly, then, I realized that I would need to look outside the most accessible solutions.

Continuing with what I knew, I considered using an existing cloud service, such as Dropbox or Google Docs. There are thousands of features included with Google Docs, but none of these offer anything similar to PDF flipbook software functionality. With even fewer features, Dropbox, too, had to be set aside. I also analyzed some of the other players in the cloud market, but none of these offered anywhere near the functionality that I was looking for.

Before I gave up, I conducted research online. I read dozens of articles and observed what other users were saying. The unanimous consensus was that users were demanding the same page flipping book software features that I was looking for, but they could not find a provider offering this functionality for flip page PDF.

Frustrated, I quickly realized that I would need to conduct a much deeper search. In fact, I even considered giving up at one point because I figured these page flip effect features simply did not exist. That same night, I went out to a dinner party with some of my wife’s coworkers.

I certainly dreaded the occasion, but over dinner, I came to discover that her company has a content publishing department that regularly puts out long-form articles and books related to their business. I asked what page flip platform they used, and they told me that they would ask. So I gave them my business card in hopes of finding out.

The next day went by without a reply. I repeatedly refreshed my inbox and even called my wife to see if she could find out herself. Finally, I decided that a reply wasn’t coming, so I took matters into my own hands. I opened my browser and conducted a Google search for the name of the business that my wife works for. Sure enough, the third result was a publication posted on a website called YUMPU Publishing. When I clicked on the link, my life as a content publisher changed forever.

My First Impression

As soon as I landed on the publication’s page, I was immediately struck by how much YUMPU Publishing’s free flipbook software functionality matched my requirements. The scrolling was smooth, and an array of page flip applications were available for users to navigate with ease. I also clearly saw how I could print out the documents, and there were several settings for changing the layout.

The free flipbook software was also fully responsive when I resized the window. I even tested the document on my iPhone and iPad. To my surprise, the platform performed seamlessly and even offered some new applications designed specifically for mobile usage.

That's not all…

The excitement of finally finding an apparently acceptable solution was simply overwhelming. For many years, I had been publishing documents using ordinary PDFs and Microsoft Word documents. In some cases, I would even print out my files and send them to important clients because I figured they would perceive an ordinary PDF as something unprofessional. However, I realized that some testing would be required before I could assume that this platform would truly fit my requirements. Moreover, I still did not know how much the platform would cost or what the publishing side of the platform would look like.

My hopes were not in vain. I started by going to the sign-up page and made a new account. The process was straightforward, and it required no more than very basic information to get started. There were also several options for signing up, including using Facebook and using an ordinary email. I got started within minutes, then moved into exploring the online tour the platform offers for new users.

The tour was very helpful because it showed me how I could easily organize my files and upload a new document at any time. All of these features gave me hope that the platform would really deliver on its promises of being fast and easy.

How can you actually use this?

I next tried to upload my own file using YUMPU Publishing’s system. Since I have exceptionally fast Internet, I am not used to waiting for more than a second or two in order to upload a large file. Thankfully, the platform was designed to accommodate for this, and it took less than a second for the upload to complete. Since uploading was so easy, I tried to upload an entire folder of content on the platform. To my surprise, bulk uploading was simple and took no more than a few seconds.

With my files uploaded, I next wanted to try the applications offered by the platform that allows for specialized publications, such as digital magazines, digital catalogs, digital brochures, digital fliers, and more. I uploaded a magazine that I had saved on my computer and previewed the file once it was done uploading. The presentation was slick, and I found it easier to navigate than with an ordinary PDF file. I also tested a link to my file and was pleased to see that the URL worked properly on my mobile devices.

There’s the catch

I also liked how this software came with an additional application that went beyond my original expectations. For example, since the platform is designed to act as a publishing platform, it offers an ability to search through existing flipping flipbooks. I found this feature very useful because I could leverage it to find information for my own purposes.

I have also used this feature to confirm that my work is not copying something that has been written before. Since YUMPU Publishing claims to have more than 20 million documents on its website, the amount of information it offers makes it a powerful research tool.

Happy with what I had seen so far, I then went into my account to see how much the service would cost. With such a wide range of applications, I figured that this free html5 flipbook software would be on the expensive side of the cost spectrum. To my surprise, however, I found that I could use this software without paying anything. A wide variety of page-turning publications are free with YUMPU Publishing, including magazines.

Moreover, I was impressed by the fact that I could incorporate HTML and Javascript into my files at no additional cost. The software does, however, offer some premium subscriptions, and these add even more applications. For example, the premium packages can offer everything from Google Analytics integration to subscription management services. While the free software is outstanding by itself, I could see how having the flexibility to take advantage of the premium services could make a big difference for many businesses.

How I Use my Flipbooks Today

My good experience with YUMPU Publishing did not end with my initial test. Today, I use this software for a wide range of digital publications that I would formerly release in simple PDF format. For example, I released a book about online marketing at the end of last year, and I was able to publish it exclusively on YUMPU Publishing due to the rich array of applications that this platform offers. I have also used this software for some of my clients who were impressed with the flipping publications utilizing this platform that I showed them.

Another reason why I continue to use YUMPU Publishing is that my readers routinely say good things about it. I have observed several comments online mentioning specifically how readers liked the fact that I used this software as my flipping book software package. Some readers even told me that they decided to start using this software for their own work because of the professional way that it presents content.

Some of them have gone on to use this software for everything from small articles to books with hundreds of pages. I truly enjoy the fact that I have, therefore, managed to help others find the right platform for their own flipbooks.

Most importantly, I have begun to like this platform even more in the long term as I have experienced how easy it makes the organization of all my flipping publications. When I need to update a file, YUMPU Publishing makes it simple to seamlessly write over an existing document with a new one.

I can also download my files from this software, and this means I do not have to waste time moving files between systems and platforms. Instead, all of my files can be found in one place on my account. Due to the satisfaction I have realized as a publisher by using YUMPU Publishing, I plan to continue using this flipbook html5 software for many years to come.

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About the author

Hey, my name is Matthew L. Harrison. I am a passionate online publisher and author. On, I offer help to anyone who is interested in publishing their content online. I have many general informations about Flipbooks and I compare different services, so you can find out which is best for you.