Flipbook HTML5 ▷ Best Publishing Software You Have Ever Seen

Flipbook HTML5 ▷ Best Publishing Software You Have Ever Seen

I have content I want to share in a creative, easy-to-use format. Word documents and PDFs are fine for certain limited applications, but they lack the graphical engagement I wish to inspire in my core audience. Not to mention, I want to share my PDF content over vast networks easily. I want my content to be displayed in an aesthetically pleasing way with the ability and features to page flip back and forth. Something more like a PDF e-book than a sterile word document offering dry information in a seemingly antiquated way. However, I also wish for it to be available on any electronic device and adaptable to any size publication. I realize I could start my own magazine, but that requires tremendous costs and overhead and is not as environmentally friendly as I would like it to be. Not to mention, magazines and books offer limited engagement in terms of finding out more information about specific info within my given content. What are my options? has technology caught up with my wishes, or am I left scrambling for a solution?

The Flipbook HTML5

Rest assured fellow bloggers, there is a solution, and it is called Flipbook HTML5.  HTML5 Flipbook is an innovative new technological method of creating and sharing magazines, PDF documents, etc. Using online digital publishing software, any existing PDF can be converted to a stunning flipping book.

Instead of having a standard PDF page or Word document page, you can present to your readers interactive flip page content shared in an enjoyable way. Magazines, brochures, newsletters, online reports, and basically any other marketing material you can think of can be presented digitally via a flipbook. A fantastic feature of this new software technology is it can be shared on any device anywhere at any time.

Using HTML5 flip magazine technology, PDFs are easily converted to the appropriate format without any additional steps. This allows anyone to take existing PDF files and convert them into a page-flipping book or page-turning digital experience for desktops and mobile devices.

Software features – So many features

If you have an online store, you can create an interactive digital catalog via flipbook technology  (even for mac) and link that catalog to your e-commerce site. Because links are encouraged in flipbooks, advertising can take on a whole varied dimension. Promotions and deals can be quickly accessed and subsequently monetized.

The same could be done for online brochures, magazines, and/or product guides. Flipbooks offer bloggers an opportunity to create their publications more visual and interactive with a page flip effect. With embedded links, a reader can easily jump across various inter-related content. Being HTML-based, flipbooks offer keyword searching as well as search engine optimization functions.

Both features can drive more traffic to your site and offer increased exposure to your blog, product, site, or store. Flipbooks can also be added to social media networks and existing Facebook pages for simple sharing. Because they are new to the scene, flipbooks are still perceived as cutting edge and give anyone who uses them, the appearance of being technologically savvy.

Flipbook HTML5 technology – Affordable for everyone for free

If all of this sounds too good to be true, imagine if I told you it was free as well. That is right. Sites such as issuu.com allow you to digitally publish any material you would like for free. YUMPU Publishing is wonderful for product guides and marketing brochures – for free. Flipbuilder.de is a german site that offers a stunning digital platform for transforming PDFs into professional-looking flipbooks.
Flipsnack.com offers the same types of services with an easy-to-use interface. Joomag.com is perhaps my favorite for its meticulously creative platform which offers any creative the opportunity to inspire big. Flipviewer.com allows you the ability to have a branded app in the name of your company. A nice function for businesses big and small.
Epagecreator.net is another great web page and perhaps the easiest to use. These web pages are just a few of what the internet has to offer. As you can see, there are several free options available for creating fantastic material with flipbooks. The point being, if you are looking to elevate your digital pdf flipbook content, there are several sites that offer Flipbook HTML5 technology to convert your magazine content easily. Most are free or at least offer a free trial to get your feet wet. There really is no excuse not to dive right in with all flipbooks offer.


Flipbooks are easy to create, fun, and offer the opportunity for spectacular visual presentations. Any competitive magazine content shared in the traditional PDF format will look boring and dry in comparison. Flipbooks offer the convenience of being able to be shared on any device regardless of where, when, or what.

For any content strategist looking for a stunning way to share ideas, try any one of the sites listed above or explore the free flipbook experience on your own. Regardless of the means, flipbooks offer the end result of beautiful, easy-to-use interactive content for your publications. Let your publications shine with the cutting-edge technological ability of flipbook HTML5 for desktops and mobile devices.

About the author

Matthew L. HarrisonHey, my name is Matthew L. Harrison. I am a passionate online publisher and author. On Flipbook.org, I offer help to anyone who is interested in publishing their content online. I have many general informations about Flipbooks and I compare different services, so you can find out which is best for you.